10 June, 2006

FIFA World Cup 2006

The World Cup is about to begin. I'm trying to stay awake. I'm sleepy. I'm tired. I'm sleepy. It finishes on 9 July. That's a lot of lost sleep. That's what you get for living on the arse end of the world.

Already, today has been a long day. But... I love the World Cup. I think it's great. So many great players and teams in the same place at the same time. There is nothing else like it. I have been looking forward to it for months. I'm rambling aren't I?

Tonight, Germany will play Costa Rica in the opening match. I think they will win. My prediction is 2-0 Germany. That's one of the things I love about soccer (pardon me football). I love that anything can happen, and any team can beat any other on a given day. There is no other sport like it (maybe futsal).

And so begins a month of insomnia, puffy bags under eyes, and walking around
in pyjamas at lunchtime while telling people to "talk softer."

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